lesson 20 - you're done!


no more vocab, you're free!

ni li pini pi lipu sona la nimi sin li lon ala



  • it's important to make an effort to understand toki pona's philosophy.
    this will make it easier to understand why it works the way it does, which will make it a lot easier to express yourself and have fun with the language!
  • practice, talk to people, have fun!
  • i highly recommend checking out nasin toki pona by kili pan Juli! it’s a really good grammar reference, which can be useful whenever there’s something you’d like a quick refresher on, or something you’d like more in-depth knowledge of. it does a really good job of explaining all of toki pona’s grammar!
  • look at lipu Linku whenever you need to remember what a word means! it's the best toki pona dictionary out there
  • sona.pona.la is a wiki thats full of useful information about toki pona!
  • now its time to practice! use the language with others, listen to music, podcasts, read stories, or check out other media made in toki pona!

sina kama sona e toki pona e nimi ale pi toki pona · ni li open pi tenpo sin · o suli e sona sina · o musi · o pona

you've learned toki pona and all of its words. this is the beginning of a new time. widen your knowledge, have fun, and be good!

words not covered

there are many words that are used by some that i decided not to cover in my course! you can find a larger overview of words on lipu Linku, but i recommend sticking to just the words in the "core" and "common" categories. when you start using words from categories below common, people will have a much harder time understanding you. and anyways, part of the fun of toki pona is expressing yourself with a limited vocabulary, so try that out first!

there are two words i didn't teach that are in lipu pu (and thus understood by nearly all): 󱤵 mije and 󱤳 meli. these words describe masculinity and femininity, men and women. i prefer to avoid gendering others in toki pona, so i don't use these words. therefore i decided not to teach them! but now you know about them.