lesson 2 - the particle li


󱥆 onathird-person pronoun (he, she, it, they)

󱤻 musifun, game, entertainment, art, play, amusing, interesting, comical, silly

󱤌 ijothing, phenomenon, object, matter, something; being, entity

󱤑 janhuman being, person, someone

󱤍 ikenegative quality; bad, unpleasant, harmful, unneeded

󱥢 sowelifuzzy creature, land animal, beast

󱥴 wasobird, flying creature, winged creature

󱤧 li particlemarks the start of the predicate


󱤌 ijo is the most generic word. it can stand in as a placeholder for anything or anyone.

󱤑 jan and 󱤌 ijo can both be used to refer to others, for uses similar to "someone" in english. when talking about specific people, use what they refer to themselves as! lots of people refer to themselves as words other than jan. (for example, i refer to myself as soweli!)
when you're unsure of how someone refers to themselves, 󱤌 ijo is generally a better neutral term to use for them than 󱤑 jan


sentences without 󱤴 mi or 󱥞 sina

we covered sentences with only 󱤴mi or 󱥞sina as the subject, but for sentences with any other word as the subject, it's different.

in this case, you use the particle 󱤧li to introduce the predicate:

subject 󱤧 predicate
subject li predicate

practice writing sitelen pona!

the end of the lessons have exercises in reading sitelen pona, but i highly recommend you practice writing sitelen pona too! grab a pen and paper and just write about your feelings, your day, everyday objects, using sitelen pona! keep practicing as you learn more words and grammar, and you'll come far.


󱥆 󱤧 󱥦
ona li suwi

they are cute

󱥴 󱤧 󱥴
waso li waso

birds are birds


translate from toki pona to english

ona li waso

they're a bird

ijo li musi

a being is playing

jan li suwi

the person is cute
human beings are cute

translate from english to toki pona

evil is bad

ike li ike

sweets are great

suwi li pona

the thing is bad

ijo li ike

i like movies

musi li pona

read sitelen pona


ike li musi
being bad is fun


ona li soweli
they're a dog


waso li sin
the bird is new