lesson 14 - interjections


󱤹 muanimal noise or communication; non-speech vocalization

󱥹 kinindeed particle(after phrase or at sentence start) too, also, as well, additionally

󱤢 lapesleep, rest, break from an activity or work

󱤭 lukahand, arm, tactile limb, grasping limb

󱥣 sulibig, heavy, large, long, tall, wide; important, relevant



interjections are sentence fragments which convey a meaning.

any phrase can be used on its own as an interjection indicating the presence of something.

ike a

(that's) really bad

wawa mute

so powerful!



commands with 󱥄 o can often be turned into interjections with more-or-less identical meaning by removing the 󱥄 o.

moku pona

eat well!
have a nice meal!

kama pona



translate from toki pona to english

ni li pona tawa mi kin

i like this too



soweli li mu lon lape ona

the dog snores in its sleep

waso a




translate from english to toki pona

i pet my cat

mi luka e soweli mi

i like to make things using my hands

mi pali e ijo kepeken luka mi · ni li pona tawa mi

sleep well!

(o) lape pona

i'm sorry to hear that

ike a

read sitelen pona


remain as you were


mi ken ala kute e sina tan pakala pi ilo kute mi
i can't hear you because my headphones are broken


soweli li musi kepeken sike
the dog is playing with a ball


esun pona
have a nice transaction

󱥹 kin

in some people's style, kin has a sentence-starter function where you can put it at the start of a sentence to mean "also,". i like it, but from what i can tell its not so common.

kin mi moku

also, i eat