lawahead, mind, brain; control, lead, guide; government, leader; rule, law
kulupugroup, community, society, company, nation, collection, team, crowd
nasastrange, unusual, silly, abnormal, unexpected
a particleemphasis or emotion
a is an emotion particle! you can put it after a word or a sentence to intensify or emphasize what came before it.
put on its own it means something like ah, oh!, or some other emotion sound, and several in a row often means laughter.
a a a
a sina sona pona
ah, you know well
sina wawa a
you're so strong!
lawa mi li seli
my head is warm
kulupu lawa pi ma Mewika li ike
the government of the US is bad
a a a toki sina li musi mute
hahaha your jokes are funny
ale li kama nasa lon tenpo
everything gets strange sometimes
huh, i didn't know that
a mi sona ala e ni
this community is really nice!
kulupu ni li pona mute a
you're so cool
sina pona a
ah, this group is full of wise beings
a ijo mute pi sona mute li lon kulupu ni
kulupu pona li wile e nasa
good communities need strangeness
a waso mute li tawa lon sewi · ni li pona mute
whoa there's lots of birds flying in the sky! that's really cool
kulupu li weka e ijo ike
the community removes the bad stuff
mi lete e moku sina
i'm making your food colder